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The most used frontend library for building web and mobile interfaces uses React

React is a modern frontend library used for building fast and high-performing user interfaces. It was launched in 2013 by Facebook as an answer to aging frameworks such as AngularJS, Ember and Backbone. Its concept? Taking advantage of a new architecture of state and data management to boost app rendering.

From the very start of the library, our developers have used React to update aging applications and then to build new ambitious projects.

Fun fact: in addition to Next.js the website you are currently browsing is propulsed by this technology.

A blend of light weight and practicality

Since its birth React has chosen to only embed a state manager, which allows the community to contribute with adjacent packages: routers, data management, forms… By shaking things up and opening up new possibilities React has been the spearhead of a new generation of Javascript frameworks and libraries.

Our programmers have assisted these evolutions (React Native, Next.js, HOC, hooks, SSR/SSG/ISR…) with their many contributions, and they give free rein to their creativity to explore new domains and create new bridges between technologies. Have you heard of React-ESI, API Platform Admin or Mercure?

React is used by huge entities such as Netflix, Airbnb, Yahoo, Sony, Instagram, WhatsApp or Atlassian.

React & us

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React's key figures

Released in2013
Current version18.2
215Kstars on Github
Our team

Meet our experts


Grégory Copin

Directeur technique


Thomas Colin

Lead JS Developer

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Develop with React



We were involved in the creation of a CMS-type content manager to centralize all Decathlon content. Developments were carried out using API Platform for the API and React & Redux JS, TypeScript for the front end.

Izi by EDF

Izi by EDF

We're working with the Izi by EDF team on the evolution of their Symfony-based website and the implementation of their Bolt-based CMS.

The blog

We talk about React