< Our trainings

Introduction to React

React has become one of the most commonly used JavaScript libraries in the world. Explore its ecosystem and master its basics to create a web app simply and easily.
1200/ attendee

Practical information

  • Location: Online / Onsite training
  • Duration: 2 days

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Created by Facebook, React is an Open Source JavaScript library used by web giants such as Airbnb, Netflix, or Instagram. The main benefit of this tool is to simplify the creation of flexible, powerful and easy-to-maintain Single Page Applications. React apps are also easy to migrate towards native mobile apps thanks to React Native. Discover the basics of React, the best practices to implement, and dive, together with our trainers, into its thriving environment.


  • Good knowledge of JavaScript
  • Knowledge of ES6+ is a bonus
  • A laptop to bring with you


ES6+ and React

  • Discovering the ecosystem
  • Understanding variable declaration
  • Understanding destructuring
  • Discovering the default values
  • Understanding classes
  • Discovering string manipulation
  • Understanding arrow functions
  • Understanding asynchrony
  • Discovering object manipulation
  • Understanding modules


  • Understanding the concept of Virtual DOM
  • Discovering the different forms of a Component
  • Discovering the lifecycle of a Component
  • Understanding the difference between props and state
  • Understanding JSX
  • Managing events
  • Using hooks
  • Using contexts
  • Understanding fragments
  • Tooling

Mastering JS libraries: React Router

  • Setting up a routing system

Mastering JS libraries: Formik

  • Creating a form with React
  • Retrieving a form’s data from an API
  • Advanced forms with Formik

Useful libraries

  • react-intl and react-i18next
  • SWR and React Query
  • Material-UI


  • Testing your app using Jest
  • Writing E2E tests with Nightwatch

SSR and static rendering with Next.js framework

  • Next.js framework
  • SSR and static rendering

Practical workshops

Our trainers

Discover our team !

Grégory COPIN

Directeur technique

Grégory is CTO at Les-Tilleuls.coop and with his 20 years of experience, he can help you with architecture, coaching or training your teams in React, Vue.js, Svelte, Sylius, testing or versioning tools. Even if he prefers frontend technologies, he is also comfortable with API management, e-commerce sites and the use of CMS, on which he regularly publishes blog posts or leads conferences.


Principal developer

Full-Stack expert, Antoine has been contributing to Open Source software for almost 10 years. Author and maintainer of JavaScript modules, he also contributes to Symfony or API Platform. He also masters Node.js and many JavaScript frameworks (Nest, Angular, React). As an architect, implementing and supporting teams on these technologies are his daily job. He is also a trainer, blogger and speaker.



Kévin is the founder of Les-Tilleuls.coop. He’s a member of Symfony’s core-team and the creator of the API Platform framework. He’s a contributor to over a hundred Open Source projects, and is also a conference speaker, an article and technical book writer as well as a lecturer at Lille University.

Thomas COLIN

Lead JS Developer

Lead Javascript Developer at Les-Tilleuls.coop, React specialist with an appetite for UI/UX topics and a multi-platform approach (web applications, mobile, desktop), has been developing for almost 10 years.



Alan is part of our software consultants and architects. As a polyglot developper, React, TypeScript, PHP, Symfony or even API Platform have no secrets for him.


My Symfony training with Grégoire went very well. He is an excellent trainer, it's very pleasant to work with real professionals.

Guillaume P.
