API Platform: community & ressources
Published on June 10, 2020
API Platform in a few words:
- more than 500 contributors.
- 3.8 million downloads on Packagist;
- A core team growing day by day;
- 6,000 stars on Github;
- More than 3000 members on the #api-platform channel of Symfony’s Slack;
- A recognized technological reference used by big names on the web around the world: Orange, Decathlon, Arte or even France Télévisions are using API Platform.
A couple of weeks ago, we updated the API Platform website by developing the community sections. Let's have a look together:
The @ApiPlatform website now has a community section with a dedicated page for each contributor, the upcoming events and awesome wallpapers featuring Webby! Thanks @ginifizz for your amazing work! https://t.co/oq8K35rnXG
— Kévin Dunglas (@dunglas) March 3, 2020
Because we believe that every community project should value the people who contribute to it, we now display the list of all API Platform contributors on a dedicated page! Not surprisingly, the core team are at the top of the ranking but if you have contributed to the framework, you should see yourself too :)

In addition to this improvement, if you click on a profile, you will have the details of all the repositories on which the contributor has worked:

From now on, you can see the upcomings API Platform meetups on a special page. Stay tuned, more events should be coming soon. For the moment only events hosted by Meetup are added (via their API), we are currently looking to add events from other platforms as well.

From the Resources section, you can now access to different contents:
- News: on this part of the website, you have API Platform’s Twitter displayed. If you still have not followed this account, this is the moment to do so :)
- Logos: you have now access to a page where you can find different logos and typos in SVG or PNG. These creations are protected by a trademark policy, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
- Wallpapers: now, you can also download API Platform wallpapers ( 2880 x 1800px; 1920 x 1080px or 1920 x 1200px): https://api-platform.com/resources/wallpapers/
- Coloring Webby: during the lockdown, we created the possibility to download our coloring pages. As you can see below, some little artists shared their masterpieces with us <3
@coopTilleuls voilà un chef-d'œuvre de mon fils de cinq ans, ravi d'avoir colorié "des trucs de l'espace"! pic.twitter.com/MWQmQqrqSf
— Christophe Dujarric (@Chris_Dujarric) April 9, 2020
We are currently working on new evolutions for the website, stay tuned! Help us to continuously improve this project by contributing to it. You can also give it a star on Github or follow us on Twitter!