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[Ordinary General Assembly 2021] Naming of a co-ceo: Marion Agé, 2020 a good year despite the global crisis

Published on June 09, 2021

On Monday June the 7th, we gathered all together to participate in the Ordinary General Assembly of, during which we vote and decide on the applications to join the membership. The annual accounts and economics results of the past year are also shown and submitted to all of the worker-associates. The summary of our activity is also one of the main subjects during this crucial event of our cooperative life.

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Summary of the past year

With the events related to the COVID-19, it has been a tough year for our co-op which, even before the announcement of the lockdown in March, decided to temporarily close its facilities and apply full teleworking. When the lockdown was announced, we already were equipped with the necessary tools and the methodologies were well established. Thanks to the fact that before that we used to telework part-time, the transition was easy and without any hiccups.

Regarding the offers, no changes were made and the results were quite positive : all of our consulting, development and training activities were done remotely and gave us the chance to work with some new partners located in the United Kingdom and in Germany.

Last Spring, our co-op was in the spotlight for the development of Click’N’Collect, a free and open-source platform based on Sylius to allow merchant to maintain their activity differently during the sanitary crisis. Still concerning technological evolution, we can highlight the release of API Platform v2.6, Mercure v0.10, and Panther v1.0.

Lastly, it’s with pleasure that we kept sharing our knowledge and showed our tool through various national and international events held remotely (finger crossed: we hope for this adaptation to become an old memory).

Acceptance of new cooperators

This day of the OGA, we have accepted Vincent Fuger, Jade Bellereau, Loïc Vernet, Cécile Ropital et Nicolas Philippe, all votes were unanimous. Congratulations to all of them ! The supervisory board was updated and new members were added: Jade Bellereau and Cécile Ropital joined Alan Poulain, Antoine Bluchet, Grégoire Hébert et Jacques Lefèbvre, which one of their role is to check on the accounting and practices of the company.

A new year with some ambitious prospects

The management of our cooperative, executed by Kévin Dunglas since its foundation in 2011, did also evolve. After an experiment that started at the beginning of the year 2021, we are pleased to announce that is now co-managed by Marion Agé, who is now in charge of the strategic management of the cooperative with Kévin. Concerning how we rule, nothing has changed, every major decision is made on the day of the General Assembly which happens every month and the two co-ceo have a revocable imperative mandate to apply them. We will get back on that subject in the near future in the form of a dedicated blog post talking about the reason that motivated this paritary-based co-management.

Our cooperative, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, is pleased to be aligned in its growth known since its beginnings while renewing its internal management. Congratulations to Marion Agé and all of our encouragement in this new step that is opening for her and our cooperative.

Now, all eyes are focused on the month of September with our first API Platform Con, a day of English and French speaking conferences with renowned speakers talking about all of the API ecosystem. A bit more than half of the speakers have been announced, don’t forget to get your ticket before the places run out !

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