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More speakers and partners announced at the API Platform Con 2023 

Published on June 29, 2023

After unveiling the initial lineup of selected conferences last May, it's now time to introduce you to the latest additions to our program.


Performance, CI, security and more

  • Marine Gandy and Valériane Venance have teamed up for a live coding session that will demonstrate the development of an API using API Platform, along with a continuous integration (CI) approach using and
  • Mathias Arlaud's talk is now unveiled: he'll take you on a dive into data access in an API Platform project.
  • Vincent Chalamon will invite you to discover OpenID Connect and its use with our framework.
  • Our cooperator Allison Guilhem is also pleased to join our speaker pool (talk to be announced shortly).
  • A more general topic, but just as important, Cécile Staehle and Marion Agé will present the various advantages of the cooperative business model.
  • Robin Chalas will explain the essential best practices for securing your API.
  • Łukasz Chruściel's talk is now available: response times and performance are on the agenda of his conference.

Explore the list of other speakers on this page. Keynotes by Kévin Dunglas and Antoine Bluchet will be announced in early September. Stay tuned for additional talks that may be added before then, and the definitive schedule will be publicly released in July!


Book your hotel asap

As mentioned in a previous article and indicated on the event website, hotel demand in Lille is exceptionally high during this time of the year due to the Rugby World Cup. To make your stay more convenient, we have secured special rates through the Accor group. Click on this link (preferably using Google Chrome) to explore the various available rooms in Lille.


Many thanks to our sponsors

The organization of this event would not be possible without our sponsors’ support. Sensiolabs, and France Télévisions are pleased to renew their presence as Gold sponsors. Additionally, we are excited to have and Commerce Weavers join us as exhibiting companies, also among the Gold sponsors.

Alice's Garden is Silver sponsor of the API Platform Con, and we can already tell you that you won't be able to miss them in the exhibition hall! Bronze sponsors include our friends from Fairness, and Akawaka.

Last but not least, we'd like to mention our community partners: JL Recrutement will be sponsoring the community party, which will take place in a private area reserved for the occasion. Alximy will be our lanyard sponsor, and let's not forget WeLoveDevs and Motiv'Her.

If your company is interested in gaining visibility at the event, please contact us at to request a sponsorship brochure! 


A bilingual website

You may have noticed that we have given the API Platform website a fresh new look. Depending on your browser language settings, you can now enjoy the event content in either French or English! Simply go to the footer, located just below the legal notice, to switch between languages. 

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Rendez-vous à Lille !

Take advantage of two days of conferences for just €159! This year's ticket sales have seen a significant increase compared to last year, so make sure you don't delay in securing your spot. As every year, free tickets are available for students and job-seekers, on presentation of proof .

Cécile Hamerel

Cécile Hamerel

Events & marketing manager

KeywordsAPI Platform, Api Platform Conference

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