Les-Tilleuls.coop announces sponsorship of the PHP Foundation
Published on March 09, 2023
It's official: Les-Tilleuls.coop is now part of the PHP Foundation sponsors and Kévin Dunglas joined their advisory board. The PHP Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2021 whose mission is to support and promote the PHP language (one of the most popular programming languages in the world, that we are using daily and contributing to).

Besides improving the language and its documentation, the PHP Foundation works closely with the PHP community to ensure that the programming language suits theirs needs and that its performance and reliability remains sustainable.
This sponsorship allows us to pursue our support to the PHP community and reinforce our commitment to Open-source software. For many years, we have contributed directly to the PHP language and several frameworks based on it. We have also been working closely with the French association AFUP for many years, whose members include many volunteers and speakers from our company.
If you want to support the PHP Foundation, follow this link: https://opencollective.com/phpfoundation.