- We contribute to Kubernetes
- We have 3 certifications
- A conference
- We can help you with Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a platform for automating deployment, scaling and implementing containerized applications on server-clusters.
This open-source software is supported by most web hosts. K8s has become a standard, is used by the main big names in the Tech industry and can boast a very large community of users worldwide.
Kubernetes is an open source project started by Google in 2014 and written in Go. It follows the Borg project, the previous internal system for container management that was used for a decade by the Mountain View’s giant.
Kubernetes has a large community. With its thousands of contributors, 85K stars on Github, 300K+ followers on Twitter and many meetups worldwide (Kubecon in the lead), Kubernetes has become the gold-standard of container orchestration, surpassing AWS ECS and Docker Swarm.
Kubernetes and us
Kubernetes's key figures
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We work on the API used for managing contents (website, mobile app, TV) and for their external operators (Orange, Bouygues, SFR, Molotov…).

We were involved in the creation of a CMS-type content manager to centralize all Decathlon content. Developments were carried out using API Platform for the API and React & Redux JS, TypeScript for the front end.