- Contributors
- Official partner
- Conference sponsor
- Conference speaker
Official partner

Laravel is an open source PHP framework offering numerous functionalities to boost productivity and code quality.
Benefiting from international experience and recognition in the development of applications around the PHP language and its ecosystem, Les-Tilleuls.coop offers all the necessary skills to support you in your Laravel web projects:
- Audit
- Consultation
- Web development
- Trainings
- Infra & hosting
- Maintenance
Les-Tilleuls.coop is a composed of speakers, authors and contributors to the Laravel Ecosystem. We’re also glad to support the framework as an official partner: https://partners.laravel.com/partners/les-tilleuls-coop. Our developers constantly work on improving Laravel’s ecosystem:
- API Platform integration for Laravel
- Eloquent support for API Platform
- FrankenPHP support for Laravel Octane
If you’re interested in discussing any of our services, reach out to us, and we’ll schedule an online call at a time convenient for you!
Laravel & us
Laravel 's key figures
Meet our experts

Kévin Dunglas

Marion Agé

Vincent Chalamon

Antoine Bluchet
Principal developer

Clément Talleu
Lead developer
Learn Laravel
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