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A brand new website for API Platform 

Published on June 30, 2023

As mentioned in our previous article, the API Platform website has recently undergone a makeover! This update enhances the user experience, showcases the key features of version 3, introduces our online store, and facilitates better engagement with the framework community. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of this redesign.

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The reasons

API Platform version 3 was released in autumn 2022, and this major version launch warranted a comprehensive update of the website and its contents. 

The previous version of the API Platform website was last updated in 2018. In the fast-paced world of the Web, five years is a significant duration, and some of the pages had become outdated. Furthermore, the site was built on Gatsby version 2, which meant we were three major versions behind. 

Instead of migrating from version 2 to version 5, we made the decision to embark on a complete overhaul. For this endeavor, we chose Next.js, a framework with which has a longstanding history. Both the site and our own website are built using Next.js. Over the years, Next.js has gained significant popularity and is even the top choice recommended by the official React documentation for starting new projects. Additionally, to meet specific project requirements, we leveraged Next.js' new app router, which was still in beta version at the start of our development process.

For CSS, we choose Tailwind. Were they the right choices? We'll tell you all about it in a more detailed article currently being written!


Find out more about events near you

On this page, you can now view all the events featuring talks, workshops, or meetups related to your favorite framework. When you click on an event, you'll find practical information such as the venue, speaker's name, date, and sometimes even a recording of the event! 

Are you participating in an upcoming API Platform event? Reach out to Cécile so we can add it to the website!


Going further with API Platform

Simplified access to documentation, screencasts or our online store... We've put together a range of addresses and media to help you deepen your skills or exchange ideas about API Platform.

  • Commercial support: remains to be the go-to company for all your projects involving API Platform, Mercure, JavaScript, Kubernetes, or Symfony. Whether you need training, architecture guidance, coaching, or development assistance, our team has the expertise to support you.
  • Sharing with the community: Stack Overflow, Twitter, Slack... It's possible to get in touch with API Platform developers through these different channels. If you're having trouble with a project, or need advice or guidance on migration or framework implementation, there's probably an answer to your problem online!
  • List of contributors: The strength of API Platform resides in its community. Every developer who has contributed to the framework appears in this ranking. By clicking on each profile, you'll find a list of the repositories they have worked on.

API Platform Conference 2023 content is bilingual

Depending on your browser's language settings, you can now read the API Platform Conference 2023 content in English or French! To change the language, simply go to the footer, where the language button is located just below the legal notice. 

What do you think of the new website? Help us improve it by contributing! You can also show your support by giving it a star on GitHub. Don't forget to join the vibrant Webby community on September 21 and 22 at API Platform Con 2023!

Cécile Hamerel

Cécile Hamerel

Events & marketing manager

KeywordsAPI Platform, Next.JS, Tailwind.css, UX

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